Monarch Record And Alco Database

This site is dedicated to the documentation of all assigned "delta" numbers on every Monarch Record and alco pressings. In my persuit to compile this data, I have scoured record stores, thrift stores, bargain bins, and online. This list is in no way complete and there may be errors. Corrections, submissions, and feedback are greatly appreciated. 

A Brief History Of Monarch Records:

Monarch Record MFG. Co. was founded in 1945 by Nate Rothstein and Nate DuRoff where they started manufacturing 78's (shellac records). Around 1948 they moved to 4852-54 West Jefferson Boulevard in Los Angeles, California, where they began pressing 45's, mostly in polystyrene. Around 1955 they began pressing vinyl records and applied the same "delta" numbering system that another Los Angeles, and partner pressing plant, Alco Research & Engineering, was using. Early on, most Monarch pressings were Alco masters (using their metal work) and all known Alco delta numbers are listed here.

In 1961, Monarch was acquired by Cosnat Record Distributing, parent company of Jay-Gee Record Corporation which owned Jubilee and Josie Records, though the two men would continue to operate the plant. (Cosnat changed its name to Jubilee Industries, Inc. on 01 Aug 1966.) 

In 1970, Jubilee Industries, was purchased by Viewlex, Inc and added Monarch to its other pressing operations which included American Record Pressing Co., Allentown Record Co. Inc., and Sonic Recording Products, Inc. In 1976, Viewlex filed for bankruptcy in 1976, reorganizing two years later as ElectroSound Group, Inc. 

In 1978, Monarch moved to a new pressing plant at 9545 San Fernando Road in Sun Valley, California, upgrading to new presses with the move. Around this time, the stamped (MR) found in deadwax since 1960 disappeared, replaced by a handwritten 'MR'. Presses were also upgraded, and the 2.875″ chamfered pressing ring identified with historical Monarch Lp pressings pressing was replaced with a two-plane ring - small center ring with a shouldered outer ring - like that of parent Electrosound. Within a few more years, Monarch ceased pressing 45s in styrene and switched to pressing entirely in vinyl. Monarch is known to have pressed for large labels like Atlantic, ATCO Records, RCA, A&M Records, Warner Bros., Motown, and also numerous small labels.

After ElectroSound merged with a graphic productions firm, IGC Inc., in January 1985, the Monarch name was phased out and the plant officially renamed Electrosound Los Angeles. At this time, while still pressing for large labels like RCA and A&M Records, most pressings were Christian-related albums for Word, Myrrh, and Maranatha. The plant finally closed in May 1986.

It appears that the last record pressed by Monarch Records was Jesse Johnson's Revue - Jesse Johnson's Revue (26717).

The last 7" pressed by Monarch Records was Eurythmics - Julia (109984).

So far, the last pressed record by Electrosound Los Angeles was a compilation titled Various - Not Gonna Bow (27388).

The last 7" pressed by Electrosound Los Angeles is Paul Smith Live & Learn / Wait Upon The Lord (110590).

Atlantic, who had their records and singles (and sub-labels) pressed by Monarch since the 50's, apeared to cease using them around 1980. The last known pressing Monarch did for them was Yes - Run Through The Light.